Why The Alliance?
In May, 2014, a number of residents formed a group called the ‘Bel Air Homeowners Alliance’ with the purpose of highlighting health and safety concerns relating to large scale construction and the consequential number of hauling trips made by trucks to export thousands of cubic yards of soil from Bel Air. Our elected city officials; the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS); and the incumbent Homeowners Association have each failed to insure responsible land development and our safety. The underlining issue remains: the City of Los Angeles has allowed excessive grading and soil export from Bel Air without full assessment of the environmental impact and insuring the safety and security of the residents of our community. Soil export hauling permits have continuously been granted by LADBS on a
‘one-off’ basis without focusing on the cumulative environmental impact that several of these ‘one-off’ projects has on the health, safety, and living enjoyment of our community. The two fatalities of LAPD officers on Loma Vista on March 7 and May 9 of 2014 and numerous accidents due to heavy trucking in our hills should be a wake-up call to anyone living in Bel Air. Our hills are at high risk for fire hazards due to dry weather conditions and the heavy construction traffic is endangering our safety by potentially impeding access for life saving emergency vehicles. The Alliance is working to change city ordinances with the aim of restoring safety and security to Bel Air. We are actively involved politically and with our Neighborhood Council to bring about needed reforms.
Fredric D. Rosen was the former CEO of Ticketmaster Corp. and the architect of its success. He has served and continues to serve on many Corporate and Charity Boards.
Dan is a retired Senior Managing Partner and Global Director of Ernst & Young LLP-London Global Headquarters office. Dan is also a council member on the Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
Jamie Meyer is a retired certified family law attorney. Jamie currently serves on the Southern California Regional Board of UNICEF, the Board of Children's Institute, and the Everychild Foundation. Jamie is also very involved in Special Olympics and community and political affairs.
Marcia Hobbs is President and publisher of the Beverly Hills Courier and president of the Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women & Children. Marcia is also a board member at the Children's Hospital L.A. and has served over 15 years as president for the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and St. John's Hospital.
2014 Tax Return and Financial Statement